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39: Tips To Avoid Burnout In Your Business Whether You Are Starting A Business, You Are Self-Employ

The excitement of starting a small business can fuel the flame for your business for quite a while, but when you stop taking care of yourself and let your business pull you in various directions, burnout can start to set in, and you may find the passion you once had for your business start to smolder. You want to be proactive in this area so that you don’t find yourself with these feelings of burnout and potentially wanting to walk away from your business after you have put so much effort into getting it up and running. Afterall, you had a good reason that you wanted to start your business in the first place, right? Avoiding burnout can be done easily if you follow the tips referenced in today’s podcast. Each tip will help make sure you stay passionate about your business which will allow your business to thrive and survive. Whether you are getting ready to start your small business, you’re a solopreneur, entrepreneur, small business owner, virtual online bookkeeper or virtual assistant make sure you take these tips to heart. Burnout can happen easily and could happen at any time while starting or running your business. Being aware of what causes burnout and what you can do to avoid it will not only benefit you, but your business will reap the benefits as well. Listen in and find out what you can do to avoid burnout in your business…

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Show Notes:

The excitement of starting a small business can fuel the flame for your business for quite a while, but when you stop taking care of yourself and let your business pull you in various directions, burnout can start to set in, and you may find the passion you once had for your business start to smolder. You want to be proactive in this area so that you don’t find yourself with these feelings of burnout and potentially wanting to walk away from your business after you have put so much effort into getting it up and running. After all, you had a good reason that you wanted to start your business in the first place, right? Avoiding burnout can be done easily if you follow the tips referenced in today’s podcast. Each tip will help make sure you stay passionate about your business which will allow your business to thrive and survive. Whether you are getting ready to start your small business, you’re a solopreneur, entrepreneur, small business owner, virtual online bookkeeper or virtual assistant make sure you take these tips to heart. Burnout can happen easily and could happen at any time while starting or running your business. Being aware of what causes burnout and what you can do to avoid it will not only benefit you, but your business will reap the benefits as well. Listen in and find out what you can do to avoid burnout in your business…

Welcome Back…Avoiding burnout in your business is a necessary step you want to make sure you are being proactive about. When you originally start your business, you may be the one in charge of all the areas of your business, and you may even find yourself wearing the hats for areas of your business you don’t feel comfortable with doing. This is pretty common when business owners first start their business, but it doesn’t mean that when you are the individual in charge of everything that you need to run yourself down and get burnt out from your business. If this was one of the prerequisites to owning your own business, do you think there would be as many small business owners as there are today? Probably not. So, what are those business owners who handle most or all of the tasks in their small business doing to avoid burnout? That’s what I am talking about today.

First, I am going to start off by going over what burnout is and how it really impacts your business. Burnout simply put is when your motivation starts to dwindle, and you start to get exhausted both mentally and physically. Stress and burnout will normally go hand in hand, and we all know that stress is not healthy for you. A little stress may help peak your performance, but over time, continuous stress will start to have an impact on your health…and the success of your business. Another thing to note is that burnout doesn’t normally happen overnight. This is something that tends to build up after time. It happens when you take certain actions over and over throughout the course of your business. You may think these actions are necessary for your business to survive, but over time, you find yourself feeling more and more burnt out from everything you are doing in your business.

If you find yourself with symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety or depression, or if you have a hard time concentrating or remembering you might be on the path to burnout. You may notice you lack energy, have a hard time sleeping or even experience mood changes. If you are working long hours and feel overwhelmed, it may be time to start taking action to ensure both you and your business are able to withstand many years of success to come.

So, how do you avoid these feelings of burnout? There are many ways you can avoid burnout, and today I am going to go over a few tips for you to get started with. Even if you don’t feel like you have any symptoms of burnout, these tips would be good for you to start working on to ensure you don’t find yourself in this situation in the future, without even noticing it coming.

First, make sure you are taking time off. I feel like this is probably the easiest thing to do to ensure you avoid burnout, and I know what you are thinking, because I actually feel the same exact way. When you are running your own business, I know it is hard to step away and take time off. I know for myself, when I plan to take time off it sometimes feels like I have more stress before I take the time off as well as additional stress when I get back from taking the time off, but I will say any time off that you can take will be well worth it. I am not saying you need to take a week of vacation every month, but I do want you to take a step back from your regular work routine and take a break. This may be different for every business owner. For you, it may mean that you take a scheduled lunch break. It may be making sure you end your day at a specific time each day to be able to spend more time with friends or family, or it may be that you take a 3-day weekend once a month. Whatever works best for you and your business, be sure to take the time off, and stick with it. Don’t allow your work to creep back in and spoil the times that you plan to take off. Know that this is a necessary task for you to complete to ensure you and your business remain healthy.

Next, make sure you are managing your time in the best possible way. Every day, set your priorities and decide what needs to be done to move the needle in your business. If you have tasks that are on your list that will not have an impact on your business, decide if those tasks are worthy of your time. By incorporating your goals into your priorities, you will find that you are only working on tasks that are important and will help your business to grow and succeed in the direction of your goals. There are many small business owners who work on simple tasks which keep them busy, but these tasks are not what will move the business forward. Don’t think that by simply remaining busy in your business that this will make your business successful. You need to be strategic on the tasks you complete to reach your goals. Take note of what will help your business move forward and work on those tasks first. Make sure you take the time to keep your business organized. By being organized, you will save time and help reduce stress as well.

Stay healthy. I know this sounds simple, but if you are not getting enough sleep, eating healthy, drinking water and exercising each and every day, your body will not be running at its fullest capacity. Just as you would want to make sure you are completing regular maintenance on your vehicle to get the maximum performance, you need to make sure you are maintaining your health. Take the time to incorporate these 4 simple steps into your day and you may find you have additional energy to get those important tasks done throughout the day, and you’ll feel good about them while you are working on them. Your mind will work at a much better capacity when you are taking care of yourself and staying healthy.

Lastly, I am going to mention delegating. I also know this one can be hard if you are a solopreneur and don’t have any additional staff to help you out, but I want you to take another look at delegating. If you are lucky enough to have others in your business that you can delegate work to, definitely take advantage of this. If you are a solopreneur and you don’t have anyone else working in your business with you, I recommend taking a look at all the tasks you have in your business. Is there something you can ask a family member or friend to help you out with? If so, this may be a good option for you. The other thing I want you to consider when you have your task list complete, is to decide which areas you are good at and which tasks you would really rather not do, or you feel uncomfortable with doing. You may find that you are spending hours on something that you could outsource for a small amount of money. Know what your time is worth. By doing this, not only will you save additional time for you to work on something that may be more beneficial or profitable for your business, but you will find that if you outsource these projects, you are much more comfortable with how the work is being done. Many small business owners will find that outsourcing their bookkeeping is something they can do fairly inexpensively compared to what their time is worth, and they can be confident that their books are correct and up to date so they can process their tax returns quickly and make good business decisions based on how their financial statements look. If you feel like you could use some help outsourcing your bookkeeping, please let me know. Depending on the number of transactions you have per month, you could get your bookkeeping done for as little as $97.00 per month. You can go to and let me know if you’d like more information about outsourcing your bookkeeping. I’ll post a link where you are listening to this podcast so that you can contact me. I want you to know that I am here for you if you ever have questions or need help with your bookkeeping. And don’t forget, you can reduce your stress levels even more by making sure to grab your copy of the 5 Essentials For Stress Free Bookkeeping. This guide is helpful whether you are doing your own bookkeeping for your business, or you are doing bookkeeping for multiple businesses. You can grab this free guide by going to

And, you know I’m going to ask…what’s at least one thing you will take away from this episode that will help your business succeed and grow your bottom line? If you need some accountability, join our PRIVATE Facebook community and post your action item, we’d love to support you.


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