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53: Serious Reasons It May Be Time To Quit Your Job Whether You Are Looking For A New Job, You Are

53: Serious Reasons It May Be Time To Quit Your Job Whether You Are Looking For A New Job, You Are Starting A Business, You Are Self-Employed, A Solopreneur, Entrepreneur, Small Business Owner, Bookkeeper, Virtual Assistant Or VA

Have you ever caught yourself dreaming about quitting your job? This seems to be a common theme these days. Many people just want to switch jobs, but there is a vast majority of individuals who are ready to dip their toes into the entrepreneurial waters and start their own business. Does this sound like you? If so, you’ve probably been debating if quitting your job is right for you and wondering when is the best time. I know this is a hard decision to make…I’ve been there myself, and for me, it was the right decision. I understand how easily it is to think you are totally ready to quit your job one day and the next you doubt yourself and the reasons you started thinking about quitting in the first place. You want to make sure you are clear on the reasons you are thinking about quitting your job and base your decisions on data that supports your decisions. Today, I am talking about some of the top motivators and why people quit their jobs. We are going to dive deeper into these reasons, and I want you to be honest with yourself when we go over these reasons so that you are able to make the right decision about quitting your job. I will be revealing my Black Friday special at the end of this episode as well, so if you are a stay at home parent, a new mom, a side hustler looking or additional income, you’re looking for a career change, you are an accountant or bookkeeper currently working for an employer, a bookkeeper with just a few clients, a college student needing some extra income or a retired individual – or you’re getting close to retirement – and you are looking for supplemental income, you’ll want to learn all about it. Listen in today so that you can get some additional help in your decision to quit your job. This episode is perfect for you if you’ve been thinking about switching jobs, you want to start your own business, you’ve already started your business, you are an entrepreneur, solopreneur, bookkeeper or virtual assistant. There are many times when a side hustle is perfect for you, but when you’ve been pondering about quitting your job to go all in with your side hustle, make sure you consider the following reasons…

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Show Notes:

Have you ever caught yourself dreaming about quitting your job? This seems to be a common theme these days. Many people just want to switch jobs, but there is a vast majority of individuals who are ready to dip their toes into the entrepreneurial waters and start their own business. Does this sound like you? If so, you’ve probably been debating if quitting your job is right for you and wondering when is the best time. I know this is a hard decision to make…I’ve been there myself, and for me, it was the right decision. I understand how easily it is to think you are totally ready to quit your job one day and the next you doubt yourself and the reasons you started thinking about quitting in the first place. You want to make sure you are clear on the reasons you are thinking about quitting your job and base your decisions on data that supports your decisions. Today, I am talking about some of the top motivators and why people quit their jobs. We are going to dive deeper into these reasons, and I want you to be honest with yourself when we go over these reasons so that you are able to make the right decision about quitting your job. I will be revealing my Black Friday special at the end of this episode as well, so if you are a stay at home parent, a new mom, a side hustler looking or additional income, you’re looking for a career change, you are an accountant or bookkeeper currently working for an employer, a bookkeeper with just a few clients, a college student needing some extra income or a retired individual – or you’re getting close to retirement – and you are looking for supplemental income, you’ll want to learn all about it. Listen in today so that you can get some additional help in your decision to quit your job. This episode is perfect for you if you’ve been thinking about switching jobs, you want to start your own business, you’ve already started your business, you are an entrepreneur, solopreneur, bookkeeper or virtual assistant. There are many times when a side hustle is perfect for you, but when you’ve been pondering about quitting your job to go all in with your side hustle, make sure you consider the following reasons…

Welcome Back…Most people starting on their career path are eager to find a job and when they do, they are happy and excited to start down this new path, but as time goes on and you grow as a person and your life changes, there are times when you need to take a long hard look at where you are and make a decision about if you are still in the right place with your current job. Wondering if your current career is right for you has been top of mind for many individuals. There have been many shifts due to the pandemic over the last few years and this is causing many more people to question their current job situation. Whether you are looking to change jobs or you are interested in starting your own business or going all in with your side hustle, making the decision to quit your job can be stressful and hard. Take some time to evaluate and consider these top reasons many people decide to quit their jobs and how they are currently impacting your career as well as your life.

Let’s start with your why. I want you to write down all the reasons why you would like to quit your job, and then I want you to focus on the top three reasons you think quitting your job will be better for you in the long run. This will help give you insight for when you look for another job, you start your own business, or you decide to go all in with your side hustle. No matter what your why is, you want to make sure that you are staying true to yourself with your next career move. You want to align your reasons why and make sure whichever decision you make for your career that your why is in alignment or you will find yourself right back in this situation before you know it.

One of the top reasons people want to quit their job is they start to dread going to work. Whether it is a Sunday evening, and you start feeling anxious about going to work the next day or you start to realize you never find a time when you are looking forward to your job. You don’t find any happiness with your job, and it is really starting to bring you down, or you are under consistent stress, and it is starting to impact your daily life. Stress could be causing you to have headaches, stomach aches and even depression. None of these are healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important for you to have a positive outcome on life.

Next, your advancement and growth in your current job may be limited or even non-existent. Most employees want to have something they can strive for when they are working. When this opportunity is gone and there is no longer a reason to work harder or try to advance you will probably start to lose your motivation and will be less productive at work.

You may have had some changes in your life since you originally secured your current job. You may have had a baby, or maybe your children have grown and gone off on their own. You want to stop feeling guilty and you want to enjoy this time in your life. You may find that a full-time job is no longer needed, and a part time job or a side hustle would fulfill all your needs now. You may be at a point in your life when you want to do more traveling and remote work is the best option for you. You may need a different schedule to work with your daycare. Whatever your situation is, you should never feel guilty for realizing you are looking for a better work-life balance. If your current employer won’t budge on working remotely or being flexible with vacation time, this may be a reason to look for a position where this would meet your needs or consider the potential of owning your own business.

What about if you are interested in a career change or furthering your education? Deciding that your current career is no longer your passion, you are bored, or you have lost interest in it is another reason many people will decide to quit their job. Find out what your passion or interests are and have a plan in place to make sure you can find a way to follow these interests. This may mean you need to go back to school, obtain additional skills or find a mentor to help you get where you want to be. Doing what you are passionate about and following your heart could be the reason you decide to quit your job and find another career, whether it be in the form of another job or even starting your own business or side hustle.

What if you’ve been offered your dream job, or have the opportunity to start that business you could only imagine having? This is another reason many people will quit their job. When an opportunity like this pops up and is available, most won’t let it go by without jumping at the chance to see where it will lead. If you are unhappy with your current job, you will also start noticing more and more opportunities out there as well. This could be in the form of another job or different business ideas. When you are looking into these ideas, make sure you ask yourself if there are any similarities with your current position. More than likely, you will be able to pick out the advantages of these other opportunities and they will align with the reasons why you wanted to quit your job in the first place.

What if you love what you do, but you feel like you are undervalued, or you could make more money simply by working for yourself and be able to set your own schedule? This was one of the main reasons I quit my job working at an accounting firm. I loved what I was doing, but the schedule didn’t work for me with my young children, and I knew I could do what I was currently doing on my own and be more successful with my own business. That was over fifteen years ago, and now that my children are grown, my schedule has shifted once again, but it still allows me to be able to focus on the things in my life that are important as well as fulfill my passion and still have a successful bookkeeping business. If you feel like you are in a similar place, just make sure you have thoroughly thought through your idea and have a plan all set for when you quit. If possible, start the business you are interested in as a side hustle until you know you are able to go all in with some of the reasons mentioned today.

Lastly, when you are thinking about quitting your job, it may make sense to have a conversation with your employer. These days, employers realize how important it is to keep good employees. You may want to have a conversation with your boss if you think some of these areas could be improved and you could stay with your current job. If you decide to leave your current job, make sure you do it gracefully. Never burn bridges and make sure you give your notice in plenty of time to help with the transition to another individual. By staying on good terms with your employer, you never know what kinds of opportunities may come up in the future. Depending on your new path, they could become a much-needed resource for your future.

As promised, I have a quick announcement I want to share with you. If you are thinking about starting, growing or scaling your own profitable bookkeeping business, I am excited to announce that I will be offering a special Black Friday promotion for my Elevate Your Bookkeeping Business Framework. If you are a stay at home parent, a new mom, looking for a side-hustle or a career change, you are an accountant or bookkeeper working for an employer, you are a college student looking for extra income or a retired individual, or looking to retire soon and are looking for supplemental income you need to look into this program so that you can obtain the freedom and flexibility you deserve with your career goals. If you are tired of working for someone else, you are afraid to get started on your own, you are unsure how to get the skills you need and are eager to earn a reliable income, then this framework is perfect for you. During my Black Friday promotion, I will be bundling this framework along with my Elevated Bookkeepers’ Inner Circle Membership and I will be adding one to one coaching and mentorship as well. I don’t normally offer one to one coaching and mentorship options with this group coaching program, but I have decided to add these as a bonus for this Black Friday special. If you have been looking for someone to help you start, grow or scale a profitable bookkeeping business, this is the best program for you, and you will also receive the 12 bonus one to one coaching and mentorship sessions. Ask yourself, when was the last time you felt PROUD of your income or in CONTROL of your time? If you are interested, make sure you go to and sign up today so that you are the first to know when I have opened enrollment for this Black Friday special. Spaces are limited due to the one-to-one coaching and mentorship bonus. I am looking forward to helping you create a profitable bookkeeping business for yourself during this time when bookkeepers are in high demand and allow you to earn a consistent monthly income, just like I do in my bookkeeping business. If you wonder if this program would be a good fit for you, send me a message by going to - I personally respond to all my messages and I would love to help you with any questions you have. I receive lots of inquiries regarding qualifications and what skills are required to be a bookkeeper, and you may be surprised to hear what the best qualifications are. I’ll post links for this membership and other resources so that you can easily find them where you are listening to this podcast and in the show notes.

And, you know I’m going to ask…what’s at least one thing you will take away from this episode that will help your business succeed and grow your bottom line? If you need some accountability, join our PRIVATE Facebook community and post your action item, we’d love to support you.


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